thomasw wrote:
We came across the Top of the World Highway on Monday going west from Dawson to Chicken. Great Trip!! It was a beautiful sunny day and it seemed you could see forever. The trip on the ferry was a breeze, although there was about a 2 hour wait because of the number of RVs. The TOW to the border was in relatively good shape. From the border to the Eagle junction the road is being paved. Those going east have a beautiful new hard surface to ride on. The Taylor highway from there is pretty sketchy: narrow and dirt/rock, but a fun adventure. The road from Chicken into Tok is ok with some breaks, but mostly paved. A great adventure and I highly recommend it!
THANKS FOR THE INFO. We came up the Ak Highway and got busted up pretty good the last 50-60 miles before the Ak border. Busted strap on the propane, trailer brakes no longer working. We passed one guy on a MC with a busted trailer tongue, one with a busted axle on a pop-up, a flat tire or two. All in that stretch and construction just east of Ak border. I was able to fix the propane strap by buying a new one if Fairbanks and modifying it to fit my rig. Drove with no trailer brakes down to Anchorage where we had them repaired by a mobile mechanic. Got a busted windshield on the Parks Hwy near DeNali too. Just two dings. Not too serious. Only in Ak for another 1.5 weeks or so, so we will get it fixed in lower 48. Tomorrow we head down to the Kenai and then we will head to Valdez, Skagway and Haines. Gonna take TOW down to Whitehorse to avoid that section of Ak HWY.
Ak is amazing. Just beautiful and we have seen so much wildlife. Seen Grizzly, Black Bear, many Moose, Elk, and even a Lynx as we were hiking in DeNali. Went for a seaplane ride with Ellison Air in Anchorage today. Excellent organization. Highly recommended. F Street Station has really awesome seafood in downtown Anchorage too.