Sue T. - You nailed it. I would add the word, not one I use about myself very often - humble. I have been humbled by the beauty and spirit of Alaska.
Sure sounds like pops has it too...
We did the working RV Live yearly long vacations, some just under 4 weeks, as we both had built up vacation days at the places we worked. We knew we liked the road, so planned for an RV upgrade to use in retirement. When we bought this coach, we transferred name of our T28 Bounder over to out CC, Roo II is our retirement coach for at least 10 years. I had a placard made, that captured what my wife and I wanted to experience. It's over the drivers seat, so we see it every time we walk in. Not to remind us, but to inform friends and family that go for small trips with us.
Adventures of Roo II
It's the Journey...
We've already asked my wife's brother and his wife, to join us when they retire in 5 years for their Victory Retirement Tour. And, I suspect we'll make another run up North in 2016, as we don't want to wait 5 years to return!
Best to all, be safe, enjoy your Journey's...