stickdog wrote:
We saw plenty of wildlife in BC a little before Muncho Lake and plenty after it.
Bears 7-8 the wife kept count one was a grizzly for sure and another could have been. Sheep on the side of the road and on the hills above, many woods bison, Caribou, a wolf, eagles, hawks, snowshoe bunnies still changing to summer camo.
Keep the windows clean and the camera ready, pull off don't block traffic, we did have to slow down for Caribou on the road.
Take your time, this is the strech of the trip where you will see the most animals on the road side. If I return one day, I think I will drive and overnight stop a every oportunity. This time of the year is also the best time to see animals, they where all over when I went in May 2012, not as much in Jusne 2014.