mxw1 wrote:
The turnoff for Haines Alaska is along this section of the Alcan hwy and it is 155 miles of perfect road. It looks like it was paved yesterday. It gets the same weather as the Alcan does, so I don't believe the excuses of Permafrost and Frost Heaves.
The difference is; It gets maintained. Shame on Yukon Gov't.
Well, considering it
IS the Yukon Gov't that maintains most of the Haines Road, up to the US border...and considering it was repaved this year and some of it last year and some the year before...
Not much melting permafrost along the Haines Road to affect the highway. Not much truck traffic to break it up either.
Here's some light reading in non-techie terms about the problems with permafrost from the center have collected samples of permafrost (right) along the 1,390-mile-long highway for the past three summers to record how global warming is changing the ground and to predict where future damage may appear. Roadways with recurring damage from thawing permafrost cost about 10 times more than average roads to maintain