Well we have left Alaska now, and are in Yukon. We have now crossed the Arctic Circle twice, once on the Dalton, once on the Dempster. Drove all the way to the end of the road on the Dempster.Next year they are planning to open the new section to Tuktoyaktuk. We flew from Inuvik to Tuk and put our feet in the Arctic Ocean. One young lady in our group actually went swimming in the Arctic Ocean.
The Dempster is absolutely amazing.Pictures cannot do it justice. Ever changing mountains followed by tundra, followed by MacKenzie river delta.
I have limited band width so pics will have to wait until we get home.
Speeds on the Dempster, posted at 90 km/h, but I did 60 km/h for part and also did close to 100 km/h for part. Part was through rain and slop, part was dry and dusty and sunny.
Sorry guys , but the Canadian drive is far nicer than the US version, but a lot further to Arctic Circle.
We cheated on the Dalton and did it in the comfort of a tour bus. Let someone else drive from Fairbanks to Arctic Circle and back in one day! Got to stop and take pics and had all my time to look around and not have to concentrate on the road! BONUS!!