Forum Discussion

riah's avatar
Mar 27, 2021

Route 209 PA thru Delaware Water gap

Quick question - Are RVs, Truck Campers and trailers able to legally & safely use RT 209 PA thru Delaware Water gap? - Asking because we had hoped to use that route but we got there and it said it was closed to trucks/commercial vehicles. Is that just closed to tractor trailers? Or would it also include truck campers, RVs, 5th wheels, etc? Are there height and weight restrictions on some portion of this? It didn’t say anything about propane so I’m guessing there’s no tunnels to worry about on that portion of it. Any info would be helpful as I didn’t find much recent discussion on this when I searched (mostly just about Otter lake c/g being great for those with kiddos; and a dated thread on a detour around there from I believe it was 2012.) TIA! :)
  • It's only commercial vehicles that are prohibited. All RV types are fine. We use it often and we weigh about 50,000, and are about 65' long.
  • Thanks for your post!

    Has that been since 2019? As the greater than 4 axle permitting went into affect at some point in 2018 from what I read. - but wasn’t clear if that included rvs and such towing trailers, etc

    Second Chance wrote:
    We have pulled that route several times with a 36 ft. fifth wheel. All the signs and postings pertain to commercial vehicles. Our height was 13'2" and gross combined weight over 22K. No issues at all. It's a beautiful drive with good roads. There are several campgrounds within the recreational area, so people go there with their campers all the time.

  • We have pulled that route several times with a 36 ft. fifth wheel. All the signs and postings pertain to commercial vehicles. Our height was 13'2" and gross combined weight over 22K. No issues at all. It's a beautiful drive with good roads. There are several campgrounds within the recreational area, so people go there with their campers all the time.

  • I also saw something about permits possibly necessary if more than 4 axles which is adding to my confusion!(*Apparently permits started in 2018 - so hoping a local might know or if anybody gone that route since 2019 or later.) thanks in advance!