Forum Discussion

OFDPOS's avatar
Jun 13, 2016

Sac Ca to Orlando Fl

Thinking of going down 99 or I-5 to Bakerfield take 58 to Barstow .
Take I40 all the way to Memphis TN then 78 over to 65 down to Mobile Alabama.
Then I-10 on over to I-75 and down to Orlando..

3 years ago we took I-10 from AZ all the way to Mobile Alabama then up 65-85 etc to DC.
Then took 80/90/80 all the way back home.

This time around thought ,,, try another route
The above to get there then back track up to Stone Mountain in Georgia then back to Swifton AR (middle point for relitives) for a family reunion.
From there get over to I-70 and take that all the way to I-15 in Utah then take 50 through Nevada and come back home.

Figured last time went low came back high, this time around stay kinda in the middle..

Leaving next week sometime. Figured 1 week to get there (Florida), 1 week+ in Florida , then 4 days to get back to the reunion weekend before heading back home.
Have to be home by the 25th of July.

Yes, no,, other routes ? Any problems with this route ?
Just the wife and I no pets.
Not sure if its in my signature or not but will be in a 05 FW class C 25ft.

Thanks for any input, comments, ideas :)
  • brooks379 wrote:
    Hey YC1....I used to haul juice out of Auburndale back to Crazy Cally..... nice little town ! I like the little lake just east of town too.

    Small world. We live next to a lake. There are over 400 in Polk County.
  • Hey YC1....I used to haul juice out of Auburndale back to Crazy Cally..... nice little town ! I like the little lake just east of town too.
  • Good route except I would stay off I-75. We hate I-75! A bit longer but I would take exit 225 on I-10 (US19-98) south. Go to the stop sign and make a left and stay on US19-98 until Crystal River. Turn east on Hwy 44 through Inverness to I-75. If you want to take the Florida Turnpike (toll) road to Orlando it's the next exit, on the left. Or you can stay on 44 to Leesburg and pick up 441.
  • Thanks for the info (site)
    We can leave sooner next week giving us more time in Florida.
    I know people have said you can spend a week and still not see all of WDW but she only wants to see and do a few things there.

    Thanks again
  • I highly recommend staying at Ft. Wilderness. Fortfiends. Yep, not fort friends.

    You are not allowing much time for Disney, the Cape, and the keys. If you have not been to WDW you will be sorry you didn't plan more time.

    We moved from Yuba City Ca. We live 25 miles from there. Going into the Magic Kingdom today. We will spend the week of the 4th of July at Ft. Wilderness.

    Enjoy your trip. Sounds like a great route.
  • Thanks , yep it really does suck for a lack of a better term driving out of Ca through Nevada 80, 50, 95 take your pick or even down the I-5 slab and 99 is almost as bad just in the opposite as in congestion big time .

    Will get the map out and check out your suggestion on route.

    Can't believe back in 2013 when we went back to DC we drove right by the Stone Mountain monument and didn't even know it DOH !
    So its either keep going up and see it then cut down to Florida or do Florida then go up there then over to AR ??

    The Mrs has a Bucket List of things to do in Florida
    1.Disney World
    2.Cape Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center
    3.Drive down to the Keys if time allows
    4 I know there's more lol
    We have friends that live in Merritt Island area so that will be our staging point.

    Then once headed back up either towards Stone Mountain or onward to AR hopefully meet up with JD from here on the site...
  • Good route . When I was driving big trucks, 40 years of it and hundreds of cross country trips !! from Cal to Fla I would take that route a lot (99 58 40 78 65 231 10 75). Only thing I would do different is I would pick up 231 south in Montgomery, AL to I 10 in FL. Cuts off a lot of miles.

    As far as going back the way you mentioned it's ok too . 50 through NV is just a long empty trip because there's not much across there but I like it, it's a good route.