Depending on how important it is for a person traveling through Canada on their way to Alaska, to have TV coverage,there are ways to accomplish this. The three largest North American countries all have their own satellite communications systems. The US has one , Canada has the Anik System and Mexico has the Morelos System and the MexSat System.
Two of the larger Canadian providers are Bell Dish and Shaw Direct. Both systems use a larger dish to receive their signals. Winegard makes larger dishes for their Canidian customers. I would think these larger dishes would work just fine when connected to a US receiver. When in Canada, just subscribe to Bell or Shaw for service.
For a number of years, while living in Nenana Alaska, we watched TV, mainly off the Anik Canadian system. At that time we had to have a 5 or 6 meter, in diameter dish to get the signal. We had two of these large dishes, that could be electrically aimed from our house. Way to big to use on an RV. Once the started scrambling the signals, I bought service from a local dealer in southern Alberta and used his store address as my home address, to deal with some residency issues. Bought my US service from a dealer in Tennessee, for the same residency issues. At that time they wouldn't sell service to Alaska residents as they claimed service wasn't available.
The Morelos service wasn't scrambled, so didn't have to buy service.
I think my satellite system was where I got my early understanding of Canadians, watching and listening to the satellite radio broadcasts of the Red Green Show and the Possum Lodge group. Plus add in all the hours I listened to Stuart Mclain and the Vinyl Cafe Show. Both are high class shows with a lot of Canadian culture being taught. LOL
Windy weather plaid havoc with the large dishes I was using as it didn't take much movement to lose the satellite signal. The 2 1/2 years we full timed, in a Class A, we had a roof top satellite dish in place but never drove that rig to Alaska. Neither of our current RVs have satellite systems. Never missed having it on our trips to Alaska.