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Tell us your RV Unfriendly Communities

I came across this website and there was a blog written about RV unfriendly Communities.
So it got me thinking have others experience places that are RV unfriendly such as towns, cities, parks etc.?
If so, tell us your stories of what you experienced.

Love to hear them.
Loving wife and 2 beautiful daughters.
Chocolate Lab, Lily
2014 Dodge Ram Laramie Hemi 5.7 with 3.92
2014 Dutchmen Kodiak 290BHSL
ProPride 3P Hitch
Progressive Industries EMS-PT30C
Love my Weber Q1200
Me a Happy man on retirement!!!

ken56 wrote:
I can understand the reasoning behind these restrictions. You live in a nice neighborhood and want to keep it that way and the property values stable. BUT...some of the restrictions are over the top I can agree. We lived in a deed restricted 'hood, no fences on property lines, no out buildings like those barn style ones, no parking trailers and RV's in your driveway among others. We got our new trailer and brought it home, put it in the driveway for 3 days. The head of the HOA shows up and says "you know you can't park your trailer in the driveway for more than 30 days out of the year." I said OK, its been 3, he said no, its been a week already. Argument ensues and I tell him to get of my property and don't come back.

We go camping for the first time with the new rig for a week, get back and park in the driveway. Yep, here he comes again. He starts up my driveway and I tell him I heard him the first time and to get off my property or I will call the cops and file a trespass complaint. He holds up the copy of the covenants he was carrying and tells me I can't do that because it says he has the right to inspect any violations. I told him "watch me" as I got out my cell phone. He stopped. Finally turned around and left. I did still adhere to the 30 day restriction though. After all, when I bought my house I agreed to the covenants. We really liked our neighborhood and the covenants were not outrageous really.

I agree, it's a shame it has to come to this due to people putting old clunkers etc. that they leave there on their property and do nothing for years. Things like that is what spoiled it for others who tries to keep a nice clean home environment.
Loving wife and 2 beautiful daughters.
Chocolate Lab, Lily
2014 Dodge Ram Laramie Hemi 5.7 with 3.92
2014 Dutchmen Kodiak 290BHSL
ProPride 3P Hitch
Progressive Industries EMS-PT30C
Love my Weber Q1200
Me a Happy man on retirement!!!

I can understand the reasoning behind these restrictions. You live in a nice neighborhood and want to keep it that way and the property values stable. BUT...some of the restrictions are over the top I can agree. We lived in a deed restricted 'hood, no fences on property lines, no out buildings like those barn style ones, no parking trailers and RV's in your driveway among others. We got our new trailer and brought it home, put it in the driveway for 3 days. The head of the HOA shows up and says "you know you can't park your trailer in the driveway for more than 30 days out of the year." I said OK, its been 3, he said no, its been a week already. Argument ensues and I tell him to get of my property and don't come back.

We go camping for the first time with the new rig for a week, get back and park in the driveway. Yep, here he comes again. He starts up my driveway and I tell him I heard him the first time and to get off my property or I will call the cops and file a trespass complaint. He holds up the copy of the covenants he was carrying and tells me I can't do that because it says he has the right to inspect any violations. I told him "watch me" as I got out my cell phone. He stopped. Finally turned around and left. I did still adhere to the 30 day restriction though. After all, when I bought my house I agreed to the covenants. We really liked our neighborhood and the covenants were not outrageous really.

ReadyToGo wrote:
Sun City AZ has just under 400 HOAs, Plus the City itself has a CCR, plus the county has it's laws.
No RV parking on the street for more than 72 hours is a County issue.
No golf carts on 2 busy streets is either the City or County issue.
No plants except in pots is the local HOA issue.
No parking overnight in front of your garage is the HOA issue.
Just about any gated, or town house or condo unit has an HOA.

If anyone doesn't like their HOA, get elected to the board which is probably the easiest thing to do. Most HOAs that get unreasonable is because of a few fanatics that are on the board year after year and make it their personal goal to restrict everything they don't want for themselves.
It is just as likely they got unreasonable because there were a few, as you call them, fanatics that think things like old toilets make for good pots for plants and that everyone will love the fact that the burned out RV they bought from the salvage yard for $50.00 to use for parts for their other inoperable RV is parked in their front lawn.
True story, there is a gentleman in my home town who is a very severe hoarder. The town has an ordinance about not allowing inoperable vehicles to be kept in in an area visible from the street. This man has at least 30 old clunkers, each completely filled with stuff he collects from the dump. Broken 2x4s, old newspapers, empty plastic bottles, anything you can think of. The city finally got fed up with it, got the proper court documents and went to haul off all the junk vehicles. Trouble was, the guy went out and started each and every one of those pieces of crud. Under the letter of the law, each was "operable". Currently old junker car number 31 can be found daily at the dump rapidly filling up with trash.

Sun City AZ has just under 400 HOAs, Plus the City itself has a CCR, plus the county has it's laws.
No RV parking on the street for more than 72 hours is a County issue.
No golf carts on 2 busy streets is either the City or County issue.
No plants except in pots is the local HOA issue.
No parking overnight in front of your garage is the HOA issue.
Just about any gated, or town house or condo unit has an HOA.

If anyone doesn't like their HOA, get elected to the board which is probably the easiest thing to do. Most HOAs that get unreasonable is because of a few fanatics that are on the board year after year and make it their personal goal to restrict everything they don't want for themselves.

We do not have a HOA with restrictions where I live. It is out in the county and there are not many close neighbors. Several of us have RV's of one sort or another and all of us keep them at home, mostly behind the house or barn or in a position so as not to be seen easily. Until now, that is. Last June my closest neighbor's grandfather died and left him a very old Winnebago that does not run and has not for many years. Looks terrible. Well he had the thing moved from the grandfathers to his house and put in the driveway right in front of his garage saying that he was going to fix it up and use it. Well, it is still sitting there and several folks have been "buzzing" about it as it is an eyesore for sure. Nobody had yet said anything to him, but I look for it to happen soon. Seems it would just be common courtesy to put something like that way back on his lot until he fixed it up, but maybe he does not see it that way.
"Sometimes I just sit and think. Sometimes I just sit." "Great minds like a think."

magnusfide wrote:
His HOA president went around the neighborhood with a tape measure making sure no one's shrubs were too tall for regs. :s

Very common. When we had to deal with them in a condominium setting, we privately called them "Condo Commandos"

They were truly were a PITA. One such commando slugged a local judge in the face for walking on "his" sidewalk, which is fact, was a public sidewalk!!

Looking back now most were pitiful people, retired, and looking for anything to give them self worth.
Our Rig:
2005 Dodge 3500 - Dually- Cummins
2006 Outback 27 RSDS

We also have with us two rescue dogs. A Chihuahua mix & a Catahoula mix.

"I did not get to this advanced age because I am stupid."

Full time since June 2006

Explorer II
Explorer II
In all fairness, I know a few towns who have stopped RVs from being parked on their streets because of RVer's who take advantage and/or end up unable to extricate their rig from a narrow street.

I always choose to park in a parking lot like Walmart's or a shopping plaza if I want to visit a town so that I don't disturb or disrupt the residents and give RVers a bad rep.

Re HOAs: have a friend who moved out of a neighborhood because of the massive restrictions of the HOA which had a reg handbook 373 pages long. He said he knows where all the Gestapo & Nazi war criminals are hiding: they're HOA presidents now. His HOA president went around the neighborhood with a tape measure making sure no one's shrubs were too tall for regs. :s
"The only time you should fear cast iron is if your wife is fixin' to hit you with it."-Kent Rollins
First law of science: don't spit into the wind.


profdant139 wrote:

Some of the HOAs are run by reasonable people. Many others, though, are dominated by zealots, who seem to enjoy hassling nonconformists.

If we had purchased a house in one of those cookie-cutter neighborhoods, we probably would never have tried RVing -- we bought a little trailer on a whim, just to try it out, and we never would have done that if we had been forbidden to park it on our driveway. That was ten years ago, and we are now campaholics.

It goes to prove that you have to do your homework before buying any property.
Glad you did otherwise you would probably, as you said ”never discover the joys of RVing”.
Hope we cross paths one day 🙂
Loving wife and 2 beautiful daughters.
Chocolate Lab, Lily
2014 Dodge Ram Laramie Hemi 5.7 with 3.92
2014 Dutchmen Kodiak 290BHSL
ProPride 3P Hitch
Progressive Industries EMS-PT30C
Love my Weber Q1200
Me a Happy man on retirement!!!

GraciesDaddy wrote:
Despite taking the GypsyJournal's Unfriendly Communities with a bit of skepticism, what's written there certainly reinforces my feelings toward Arizona. In light of their SB1062, I refuse to go there and leave ANY of my money there. (Yes, it's true That Woman vetoed it... But the legislature still passed it!)

Arizona will just have to get by without my cash.

That's not the first time I heard that people avoiding Arizonia for the reasons you stated above.
Loving wife and 2 beautiful daughters.
Chocolate Lab, Lily
2014 Dodge Ram Laramie Hemi 5.7 with 3.92
2014 Dutchmen Kodiak 290BHSL
ProPride 3P Hitch
Progressive Industries EMS-PT30C
Love my Weber Q1200
Me a Happy man on retirement!!!

Explorer II
Explorer II
In much of Orange County, Calif., there are "CC&Rs" (covenants, conditions, and restrictions) that prohibit RV parking on private property. These covenants are essentially in the deed to your property -- they are not laws passed by a governmental agency. But the covenants are administered by the HOA of each neighborhood, and they have the power to enforce the covenants. (Plus they get monthly dues, so they can hire legal help when needed.) We sought out a neighborhood that did not have those covenants, and I am very glad we did.

Some of the HOAs are run by reasonable people. Many others, though, are dominated by zealots, who seem to enjoy hassling nonconformists.

If we had purchased a house in one of those cookie-cutter neighborhoods, we probably would never have tried RVing -- we bought a little trailer on a whim, just to try it out, and we never would have done that if we had been forbidden to park it on our driveway. That was ten years ago, and we are now campaholics.
2012 Fun Finder X-139 "Boondock Style" (axle-flipped and extra insulation)
2013 Toyota Tacoma Off-Road (semi-beefy tires and components)
Our trips -- pix and text
About our trailer
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single list."

Despite taking the GypsyJournal's Unfriendly Communities with a bit of skepticism, what's written there certainly reinforces my feelings toward Arizona. In light of their SB1062, I refuse to go there and leave ANY of my money there. (Yes, it's true That Woman vetoed it... But the legislature still passed it!)

So, when Sally and I head for Burning Man, we stop for an overnight in Albuq and leave with a full tank of fuel just so we do not have to stop until we get to Las Vegas. We do the same if we're headed to Southern California: Overnight in Deming... Don't stop until Indio/Palm Springs.

Arizona will just have to get by without my cash.
Watch your tail swing... Keep the greasy side down and keep it 'tweeeeeeeeen the ditches, Y'all!

John E. Baker, III & Sally Baker - The Traveling Siblings!
Co-pilots: Llasah Lilly, Brown Daschie Chloe and Tuxedo Foots

path1 wrote:
On several occasions I invited them to stay in our side driveway if they'll only be a day maybe two. I've got a 12 foot wide driveway about 127 feet long that goes right into a side parking spot. One guy backed into my fence. That 127 foot driveway is only about 4 or 5 times as long as the length of his entire Rig, and a 12 foot wide driveway, (as big as a traffic lane) and still he took out my fence! Anyways, we decided we'd fix in the morning. We (him and I) would put the fence back up in the morning, maybe around $50.00 bucks worth of stuff to put fence back up.

Guess what? About 2 in the morning wife hears him taking off. No more Camp Driveway at my house.

Drove the point home to me only takes one to mess it up everybody.

OK there's a view from something other than a HOA.

That was really nice of you, like you said it only takes one to mess things up for others!
Loving wife and 2 beautiful daughters.
Chocolate Lab, Lily
2014 Dodge Ram Laramie Hemi 5.7 with 3.92
2014 Dutchmen Kodiak 290BHSL
ProPride 3P Hitch
Progressive Industries EMS-PT30C
Love my Weber Q1200
Me a Happy man on retirement!!!

(two examples, I don't have any HOA's, but you mentioned parks)

I drive down to a park near us. Not often but maybe once or twice a month. Especially after I give the motor some exercise. Or exercise the generator when our neighbor a fireman is sleeping during the day. Sometimes I'll make a pot of coffee and write some letters/e-mails or whatever. Sometimes a great place for lunch for both of us. Just nice to be at the park away from the house for a change. And we're not the only one there. Many people bring their kids and let them play as the driver stays in the car. Catching up on phone calls or whatever.

So back to your posting...what am I supposed to think when a cop comes by looking over everybody that's parked, just driving along slowly. But Stops in front of me and I see he's looking at my lic plate and mashing it into his computer. I stick my head out and holler "HI, just enjoying the day". He says "the park closes at dusk you can't sleep here". I respond, "I know, just catching up on e-mails". He says "OK but you must be gone when the park closes at dusk". By the way... it's 1:30 in the afternoon.

He just drove by probably 10 or 15 cars all with people in them but stops at me. The only RV in the place. What would you think?

At first I was a little angry, but after thinking about it, I'm glad he stopped and checked me out. Our neighborhood over the last 5 years has become "home" to people that sleep here one night then somewhere else another night. Believe me I'm not against that either. When travelling, I overnight at places that many would not be pleased with. But places look the same to me with my eyes closed. And I'm not making drugs or dumping my tanks or leaving the place a mess.

Remember it only take a few to mess it up for everybody.

(another example) There is an ELKS lodge real close to us. Next door to the Elks lodge is a shopping center. This Elks lodge does not take reservations. First come first serve for their camping spots. They maybe have 12 or 15 spots. It's not uncommon to see RV's in the shopping center, especially in the summer. Several times I got talking with some these ELKS. They are waiting and hoping someone pulls out or they are wondering where they'll go next. On several occasions I invited them to stay in our side driveway if they'll only be a day maybe two. I've got a 12 foot wide driveway about 127 feet long that goes right into a side parking spot. One guy backed into my fence. That 127 foot driveway is only about 4 or 5 times as long as the length of his entire Rig, and a 12 foot wide driveway, (as big as a traffic lane) and still he took out my fence! Anyways, we decided we'd fix in the morning. We (him and I) would put the fence back up in the morning, maybe around $50.00 bucks worth of stuff to put fence back up.

Guess what? About 2 in the morning wife hears him taking off. No more Camp Driveway at my house.

Drove the point home to me only takes one to mess it up everybody.

OK there's a view from something other than a HOA.
2003 Majestic 23P... Northwest travel machine
2013 Arctic Fox 25W... Wife "doll house" for longer snowbird trips
2001 "The Mighty Dodge"... tow vehicle for "doll house"

jplante4 wrote:

There are towns on Long Island (Floral Park is one) where you cannot park a commercial vehicle (i.e. a pickup) in YOUR DRIVEWAY.

This is very COMMON in gated communities in Florida.

In city of Cape Coral Fla., at one time, you could not park ANY pickup, commercial or not, in your driveway. It must be in the garage, out of sight. That ordinance has since been repealed.
Our Rig:
2005 Dodge 3500 - Dually- Cummins
2006 Outback 27 RSDS

We also have with us two rescue dogs. A Chihuahua mix & a Catahoula mix.

"I did not get to this advanced age because I am stupid."

Full time since June 2006