Forum Discussion

Bipeflier's avatar
Mar 11, 2018

Texas Route

Planning on going to the Hill Country in a couple of weeks.

To avoid the interstates and Dallas I would like to go west of Ft. Worth then take hwy. 281 to 67 to 16 down to Kerrville.

Any info on how these roads are? Good 2 lane or to be avoided?

  • Follow up:

    On the way down we ended up turning off of 75 at Sherman over to Gainsville, then took Hwy. 51 south to I-20 at Weatherford. Took I-20 west to 16. both 51 and 16 were pretty good 2 lane roads (mostly 70 MPH). They were doing bridge work in Llano which held us up about 5 minutes.

    Coming back we 281 north from Johnson City to I-20. The only roadwork was about 300 yards of shoulder work. No problem. Took 51 back to Gainsville. Driving time was the same either way within a couple of minutes.

    Thanks for all of the input.
  • We did TX 16 from/to Fredericksburg to I believe I20 and up to Oklahoma. A very good road, and a very beautiful drive. Went on a weekend and hardly any vehicles.
  • Bipeflier wrote:
    BB_TX wrote:
    You could also stay on 281 to Johnson City and then 290 over to 16 in Fredericksburg. That s all very good highway.

    Thanks all. This looks like what we will do.

    Good choice. Safe travels!!

  • BB_TX wrote:
    You could also stay on 281 to Johnson City and then 290 over to 16 in Fredericksburg. That s all very good highway.

    Thanks all. This looks like what we will do.
  • DougE wrote:
    Parts of 281 are under construction and may hold you up for 15 to 20 minutes on a weekday when they run one way traffic for a couple of miles. Sadly I don't remember if the one way section is before or after Stephenville.

    Looks like it's before and after!
  • BBtex wrote:
    You could also stay on 281 to Johnson City and then 290 over to 16 in Fredericksburg. That s all very good highway.

    Agree. This is the way we normally go.
  • You could also stay on 281 to Johnson City and then 290 over to 16 in Fredericksburg. That s all very good highway.
  • Parts of 281 are under construction and may hold you up for 15 to 20 minutes on a weekday when they run one way traffic for a couple of miles. Sadly I don't remember if the one way section is before or after Stephenville.
  • I use US 281 to avoid Austin. Great 2 lane federal highway with some 4 lane divided sections from the Okla border to the Mexican border. A bit of local traffic near Marble Falls and crossing San Antonio.

    US 67 is a good 2 lane with a few non-divided four lane stretches once past Dallas all the way to the Mexican border.

    TX-16 is a good route. A bit hilly and curvy, but nothing to bother an RV driver.

    Texas doesn’t have towns with stop lights every 10 miles like the east coast. Usually 20-40 miles between stop lights.

    You’ve selected a good route. Not the fastest? But a good easy drive. You might want to pullover and let traffic pass you if several stack-up behind you. There are long sections without passing lanes.