If you are Mexicano you know the following words
Those words are SACRED. Mexico CAN NOT GET more ULSD. There is so much pinch on supplies Petroleos Mexicanos must import a lot of ULSD for Baja California (north state) and the narrow border strip, from JAPAN. It arrives at the tanker dock offshore from Rosarito beach.
CHISME is a national pastime. If you ever listened in to the women washing clothes down at the river, or drunks shouting at each other over the 120 db jukebox you would understand this point.
The politicos are robbing so much profits from the coffers of PEMEX there is not enough money left to upgrade refineries with sulfur plants and treaters to make ULSD. Indeed the Salina Cruz and Salamanca refinaciones are progressing slowly as is, installing plants to manufacture ULSG Premium gasoline so it does not have to be imported from the Deer Park refinery in Houston.
THE PETROLEUM IS OURS, trumps gossip, hyperbole, hearsay, and wishful thinking...