1955 General Location mapsThis book from the Bureau of Public Roads of "General location of national system of interstate highways, including all additional routes at urban areas designated in September, 1955 (1955)"
These city maps generally match current Interstates. For smaller towns the highway does bypass, with a spur into town, or for some a loop. But for cities like Seattle, Chicago, is shows the familiar pattern of through routes, passing near downtown, with beltways.
http://www.upa.pdx.edu/IMS/currentprojects/TAHv3/Content/PDFs/Fed_Hwy_Act_1956.pdfOne of the longer histories of the Fed Hwy Act of 1956, with information going back to the Roosevelt years. Location and purpose of the highways was not controversial. Funding was. I don't see any mention of Dept of Defense planning or funding. Eisenhower's war experience was a factor in his enthusiasm for the project, but he did not design the system.
Ike's Grand Plan - presented to a Governors' meeting 1954.