We have done the Top of World multiple times, the previous message had good advice. Watch the weather and take your time. If you do head over, either way just plan on two days take your time. If if snows or rains stay in the middle of the road; in the spring sometimes you might find a soft shoulder. The road is usually best this time of year. Most people from the states do the trip once and never again. If anyone has trouble it is because they rush, it can be done in a car easily in 5 hours, but in a motor home two days is a relaxed trip. Don't pull your toad, disconnect and drive it, If towing a TT don't over load.
If you participate in the local events you will have a great time in Dawson. I limit Joyce to $20 each night at Dimond Tooths, she gets a little carried away started with $20 won $1200 lost it all
by the end of the night. Have a good time be safe.