Ernest wrote:
We did the TOW in 2014.
The Yukon side (Dawson to Boundary) is not bad mostly gravel. In the rain stay away from the shoulders.
The US side (Boundary to Chicken) is the worst. Although they paved the first 12 miles from customs. This section is very narrow with quite a few switch backs. They lose 10 to 15 rigs over the side a year!
None of the tour companies and most of the travel clubs no longer run the TOW.
If you decide to run the TOW do not do it in the rain or just after. It will be the most demanding piece of driving you'll have if you meet others coming your way on the US side. This is really a mining road.
Good Luck and be careful.
The tour companies are flying tourist into Dawson from Whitehorse & Fairbanks rather than bus them, not because of the road but because of financial reasons. I spoke to one of the operators he said that the people riding the buses spent two days on the bus rather than spending three days in Dawson spending their money. It's to bad they put the almighty buck first, people come to see the Yukon & Alaska not to fly over it. I suppose many older people can't take a 7 hour bus ride from Whitehorse it would be tiring but then they actually might see some beautiful country or wildlife.
It is very rare to have any rigs get stuck much less go over the side. There are some stretches that are twisty and alittle narrow but nothing to be concerned about take your time you will be fine.