Every year at this time I have a totally unreasonable and irresponsible urge to go home and give some money to the government. Each year we try and take a different route. This year we thought we would head up CA395 all the way into Oregon and head off on OR 31 at Valley Falls to Bend and then 20 to the coast.
I'm pulling a 29ft 5'er.
Has anyone done this route? Any advice?
Thanks in advance
The less you plan the more options you have.
Currently with a 26' Forest River Class "C"
Ex Navy Diver Ex Archaeologist Ex Museologist Actively retired
If you wait until hwy 20 to hit the Oregon coast, you'll have missed the best part of the coast drive. North of Tillamook, very little of 101 is oceanfront, and almost NONE of 101 is on the water in Washington.
If you're wanting to go to Bend in any case: In my opinion, the route north to Canada on the east side of the Cascades is much more interesting, especially if you're interested in geology etc.
" Not every mind that wanders is lost. " With apologies toJ.R.R. Tolkien