Kidoo wrote:
johnwalkerpa1 wrote:
mabynack wrote:
I'm planning on taking my first trip to Alaska when I retire in 2018. I'm interested in taking photos of wildlife and scenery. Can anyone recommend the best time of the year for that type of sightseeing? How much time and money would you recommend?
There are thousands of variables in your questions but I'll offer two suggestions to start..
1. I like the fall colors (and by fall, in Alaska, I mean mid-August to late September) for general landscape and wildlife photography but that's mostly a personal preference..
2. If you want bear pictures, time it with the salmon runs.
Bears and salmon goes hand in hand. I was in Valdez on the 4 of July 2012, never saw a bear, I was there on he 20 of July 2014, plenty of bears, plenty of salmon. Same in Hyder, you have to be there in late July or early August.
Thanks. I'll modify my timetable accordingly.