Forum Discussion

D_E_Bishop's avatar
Aug 04, 2017

Update on Mud Creek Slide, CA 1

Caltrans has announced that it will not attempt to open the highway in the area of the slide, instead they are planning on building a new road above the slide and avoid the loose and fractured part of the hillside from the top of the slide to the toe which appears to be actually in the ocean.

CA. 1 has always been an unstable area thru the Big Sur area and down to San Simeon and it isn't going to be bullet proof through that very scenic area. Moving up the hill, however, will extend the life of the highway for awhile.

Assuming the State will ask for federal emergency funds, the only real improvement will be that it should be more stable, but it will not be substantially wider or with turnouts. Federal funds cannot be used for improvements, just to replace what was lost.

Plans are not complete as of the release, so I think it will be six months before there is any traffic up or down the highway.
  • Hwy 1 consumes more maintenance $$$ than any other in the People's Republic of California...because its so scenic, that won't stop in our lifetimes.
  • None of those cliffs along 1 would be there if the hillsides weren't unstable. Highway 1 is always going to have these slides.
  • I looked at street view in Google Earth (prior to slide) in the area of the massive slide and that entire hillside looked unstable - probably giving them problems since they first put the road through there.

    I would guess at least a year to officially bypass the slide.
  • Not sure the fix will be more stable...hopefully. Another year. Nuts. I miss Kirk Creek and Plaskett Creek.