Forum Discussion

jamesu's avatar
Jun 07, 2018

US-2 east of Sandpoint, ID

Presently we are camped in Newport, WA on the Idaho border. Tomorrow we will be towing US2 from Newport to West Glacier, MT, 226 miles. I have never been on US2 east of Sandpoint, ID.

My question: Is US2 from Sandpoint to West Glacier a pretty steady 50-60 mph or will I experience large sections of highway with 25-35mph curves which will add to drive time?

My reason for asking: Just towed WA20 across the northern tier of Washington. A beautiful drive but a somewhat slow one because of quite a few sections of 25-35mph. A slow go at times, but a wonderful drive for us retired folk. If US2 from Sandpoint to West Glacier is more of the same I will adjust and leave earlier tomorrow morning...I would just like to know.
  • Done the Kalispell to Libby a few times. All the white crosses in the curves tend to serve as a reminder.
  • Between Libby and Kalispell you could and will run into some slow going. Two lane and very dangerous to pass. We use US 2 occasionally the opposite way you are going and it is beautiful. Just don't be in a hurray and by all means pay attention to posted speed limits.
  • There will be slower sections in Idaho east of Bonner's Ferry, but generally speaking US 2 is a great highway in fine conditon. Just take your time and enjoy Idaho and Montana, stop at the fisheries displays near Libby if you have time. Watch for deer and elk too!
  • We drove that route last fall and it's a great road. It is a curvy road, but not in the sense that you have to slow way down, more of a 50 - 55mph road.
  • Google "US2 highway youtube" and you can watch a number of videos. I enjoyed US2, it varies in speed since it goes thru a number of small towns, but you can do quite a bit of distance in a day.