163 goes thru Mexican Hat not 261. 163 is a good two lane road, a bit hilly but no major climbs. Ah wait now I see 261, thats the Moki Dugway. I would not even think about doing that with a toad tho we pulled a TT (popup) up it once. It's a dirt road that gains a 1000 ft of altitude in a mile or two thru a series of very sharp hairpin turns. My wife does not like it to say the least.
YouTubePersonally I don't find it to be very dangerous and it's certainly a road that will give you a story to tell the grandkids...heh. While you are in the area check out Goosenecks and the Valley of the Gods. We spent a couple of weeks in Cortez and Monticello exploring the area 2 years ago and I think we climbed the Moki two or three times.