Tripalot wrote:
We enjoyed a trip to Tofino on the West side of Vancouver Island,...
If I remember, the trip across the Island went through a huge grove of very big cedars and the road was a bit tricky for large rigs - something to check on before doing.
I also remember stopping to see a a large wooden aircraft anchored in a lake on the way. It was either the Howard Hughes Spruce Goose or replica, or similar
Indeed the aircraft is the huge Martin Mars, anchored at Sproat Lake in the middle of the Island. We were there this time last year, and was not fortunate enough to see the airplane fly. Now it was recently damaged again, so who knows when it will fly. Very nice campground at Sproat Lake.
The road to Tofino is winding and at times narrow, but it is doable, and there are plenty of RV's out at the coast. The Hippies are still there, and so are scads of Moms, Pops, and the Kids. Some really lovely beaches there.