Forum Discussion

Grey_Mountain's avatar
Dec 24, 2021

Vancouver Island

It has been two years since we visited Vancouver Island, after having spent six weeks or so there every summer for almost twenty years.
We most likely will not make another trip since age and health are catching up with us. I will be 81 in five days, and my British Bride is not far behind me.
I recall those trips with much fondness, remember the many many great friends we made, not only Canadians, but travelers from all over who were visiting as well.
So on this Christmas Eve, 2021, let me wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and everything good for the coming year.
Be safe, be healthy, and enjoy life.

Lonnie and Hazel
  • Thank you and Merry Christmas to you.
    I live on Vancouver Island, just about 20 miles north of Victoria. Like your wife, my wife and I are both from UK, many years ago.
    I don't know if you follow our news but we have had the hardest fall and winter for many years, very heavy rain and floods in the fall, and very cold temperatures and snow since just before Christmas. At the moment I couldn't even get my camper out as there is a foot of frozen snow on the parking area and a big pile blocking the street left by the snow plough.
    So the message is, you are not missing anything just now. We are looking forward to the spring when we can get out camping again. How far we will travel depends a lot on how COVID progresses.
    All the best.
  • Just saw this now. It was great to meet you and Hazel a few years ago and wish you all the best for 2022. BTW, we had a rare White Christmas and an even heavier snowfall a few days ago. It's been 25 years since we had snow on the ground for this long!
  • From Parksville on Van Isle... wishing you and your British bride a Happy New Year and many more to come!....sorry you will not be travelling far from home anymore....we are getting close to your age and have spent 14 years of travelling south in the winters, until 2020 when this Covid stuff came along....losing travel time now when we don't have many years left to travel, so we feel your pain.
  • No snow here yet but there is up island. We’re looking at -9 C at night for 3 days starting Saturday. Victoria will be in shock! Hope you can make it here again one day.
  • My brother has been stuck up there living in his 5er while building a house. Not happy about being stuck because of Covid
  • Merry Christmas, Lonnie and Hazel. Time is catching up to all of us.
  • I have long wanted to spend a month or so over there. We have visited the Olympic peninsula often, but the ferry cost over and back from Port Angeles just didn't make sense for our 45 feet of truck and trailer. We are both 86 and spent last summer in Colorado, Oregon coast and a month on Whidbey island. We and our rig will probably do one more shorter Colorado trip in 2022 and then reluctantly acknowledge our limitations. Enjoy it while you can. Bill
  • A Merry Christmas to you and your wife, and in advance a happy 81st birthday.
    To all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, hopefully a much better 2022.
    Stay safe stay healthy and safe travels to all.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    Merry Christmas to you and your British Bride and all the best for 2022. Hopefully we can all get travelling again.

    Although we currently live in the Montreal area, I lived in Victoria as a young child and have fond memories of visiting my grandparents there on vacation after we moved away. It’s a beautiful region. :C

    … Eric