Forum Discussion

TyroneandGladys's avatar
Jul 09, 2014

WA 20 and US 2

Thinking of next years trip already and wondering about driving on WA 20 from I 5 to US 2 ending up in Browning Montana.
  • In 2011 WA20 did not open till 5-25, but this year's 5-08 is more typical. WSDOT starts clearing it toward the end of March, and tracks the progress on their website. WSDOT on Flickr has an album of the annual clearing. Last summer it was also closed a couple of times due to mud slides produced by thunder storms.

    I was camped at Colonial Creek NP during one of those summer closures. The increase in traffic noise was noticeable with the highway reopened.

    2014 snow clearing

    August mudslides
  • Wisp? Is that the new name for the Winthrop-Twisp metro area?

    But yes, once you get to Twisp there are a couple of choices -

    South on 153 to US97 and WA17 to US2

    East on WA20 to US97, WA155 to Grand Coulee and on to US2 (Wilbur)

    East on WA20 to Republic and Kettle Falls, US395, crossing to US2 somewhere north of Spokane

    WA20 all the way to US2 at Newport.
  • Beautiful drive, lots of mountain views and vistas. Winthrop is a nice town with a western theme. Perragyn Lake State Park is a great place to stop.

    Roads will be a little beat up, just like the rest of the mountain passes in Washington. Winter weather really hammers these roadways.

    Enjoy your trip..
  • WA 20 is a great drive. It has some beautiful sights in WA. between Marblemount and Winthrop, WA. It has some fair grades on both sides. Going down, eastbound after Washington Pass near Liberty Bell mountain is a slow way down area.
    Don't expect to make a speed trip!
    Get fuel in Mt Vernon or no later then Sedro Woolley. It is hard to come by until Wisp.
    Suggest going eat to Grand Coulee and picking up US 2 at Wilbur,WA. Great laser show in the evenings on the face of the dam.