Forum Discussion

hpdrver's avatar
Sep 29, 2021

Weapon storage before Baja

We are getting ready to travel to Ensenada Baja from Potero, CA and need a place to check weapon before crossing border. When we went to Rocky Point there was a store that would check our weapon for a fee and return it to us when we were back in The USA.

If anyone know of a place near Potero that will check our weapon. Thanks
  • Thanks to Tally ho and tracker for your helpful info. Looks like a trip to discount gun mart in San Diego will solve problem.
  • Wasn't that an old Kenny Rogers song from the late 60's?
    Ruby don't take your guns to town.....
  • About 20 years ago one US citizen was at a gun show in Tucson. He bought a gun and planned to leave it with a friend in Tucson before heading to Mexico. He crossed the border and the gun was found. He was sent to the HMO prison. Fellow was sick.
    I think he had diabetes. Someone in California contacted Good Sam.
    They had a connection to a politician and somehow he was released. About the only time Good Sam was of any use. This whole story was reported in this forum. Moral of the story is " Don't take your guns to Town, son".
  • Good to leave guns and ammunition in the US. I had a friend who brought his pistol with him to Mexico and got away with it - but what a chance to take. I've never been frisked and only rarely have had my possessions searched.
  • El Cajon is going to be the closest place to Potrero that has a gun store. You might check with El Cajon police dept, or San Diego Sheriff office in Santee (next door to El Cajon).
  • Assuming you mean Potrero, I'd look for a local gun store. You may have to go into San Diego for that.

    Good luck, SO glad you know not to take them across the border with you.