explorenorth wrote:
AKSuperDually wrote:
Camping off the road, boondocking, in Yukon is discouraged, and there are signs stating against it across the territory, especially at rest areas.
It isn't discouraged at all. You'll find 4 or 5 of those signs in the entire territory, at rest areas close to towns that have a "competing" RV park. For Yukoners, boondocking is at least as common as getting a campsite.
I've been woken up and "shood" (sp?) out of rest areas in BC by the police. Mounties I guess?
I'm not real familiar with Canada, but I've done the trip down the Alcan 8 or 9 times. There are signs at every rest area I saw that stated, "no overnight parking". I've taken my chances many times, and been asked to leave twice. Both times in BC though. But I've seen the signs in Yukon also.