Forum Discussion

All_about_the_B's avatar
Jan 06, 2019

Wisconsin to Washington DC

We are planning a trip to Cherry Hill in mid-July. In the past we have gone down I39 to Champaign Il to I70 to avoid Chicago. Google Maps is suggesting I90 to Chicago, then South on I65 to I70. Any suggestions/life experience would be appreciated.

I am also considering taking I79 to I68 South of Pittsburgh to avoid the tolls in PA. Good? Bad? Thanks for any road knowledge.

We will be towing our 5th wheel.
  • definitely take the I-79 to I-68 route that you are considering. Used to use it all the time going from Fort Wayne, IN area to Baltimore Md to visit the grandkids.
  • I use I-79 and I-68 when traveling to/from Harrisburg PA and Ohio. There are some mountains in West Virginia and western Maryland. The road is good and, there are no tolls.
    I avoid the Pennsylvania Turnpike whenever possible.
  • Map program suggestions are based on time - distances and estimated speed. They don't consider your preferences of vehicle.