That is good to hear. A beautiful part of North America, IMHO. A trip to Atlin, is a nice day down and a day back trip from the Whitehorse area. Seems to be an area bypassed by many as they make trips to Alaska. Atlin is a worthwhile side trip to make, for us. Not one I do every trip but have been there a few time, last in 2006, so I need to stop in again.

The village of Atlin has an old lake boat pulled up on shore that they are trying to redo into a tourist attraction.
Atlin is a beautiful lake as well.

Many nice restored building and some not being restored. Atlin, a few years back, before the recession hit the US and Europe, became popular as a summer place for a number of Germans that bought property in the Village.

The old street clock in Atlin in 1965, on my first visit.

And the same clock in better shape in 2006