Talking about Costa Bella sure brings up great memories. Our first stay there was spring of 2002.
We were on our way up from the winter in Oaxaca and Acapulco. Thought we should check it out.
Rodrigo greeted us warmly and over the years we became great friends with Rodrigo, Evelia and their oldest son who we call Rodrigito. Lots of fun family outings and dinners with them over the years. So very sad, Evelia died of Covid in the summer of 2020.
The first season, when we arrived, the only other camper there was Jacques(RIP). Another good friend. He had helped lay out the RV park and went on to develop the park behind Real de las Palmas.
Our first full season was in 2003. There were 12 rigs of all sizes there. We played trilingual bocce ball every night in the center of the park. We watched the bungalows grow from one floor to the present 4 floors. Stayed in them often also when we didn’t drive.
Our last stay with our camper was in 2018. We had the perfect spot right next to the pool and it was a great season. When we pulled out in late April, we were the last to leave. Looked so empty.
It was a great park.