VT Skier, I live close to Allegany State Park and camped there last fall over Columbus day weekend. You should know there are two campgrounds within the park. Red House which is known as more of a party spot but very nice, and the Quaker lake area which is called Cain Hollow and a little quieter. We stayed in the Quaker Lake part and had site 097. It was very nice and we camped with friends of ours that had the site next to us. There was a good 30 feet between our campers. Plenty of room! There was 30amp electric at our site but like most State Parks, no water hookups. There was a water spigot in our loop and it was maybe 150 feet away from our site so no big deal getting water but you'll need water jugs. The bathrooms were clean but a little hike from our site (2 minute walk). Again, no big deal. During the day it was quiet for the most part except on Sunday when everyone was listening to football on their radios and you would hear people yell out when a good play was made. At night, it was very quiet around the campfire. There is very spotty cell service and you have to go to the lake to have any signal at all. If you're the types of people that like to watch TV, you won't be able to. If you go to reserveamerica.com you can get further details. We're going to Allegany again this year over Labor day and are staying in the same loop but this year we booked site 098. It's deeper than 097 and we liked it better. I highly recommend Allegany State Park and the fall foliage is beautiful! I hope I've been of some help.