Forum Discussion

ccchuck's avatar
Apr 21, 2017

Bledsoe Creek State Park TN Been there?

looking for input, thoughts, etc. about Bledsoe Creek State Park TN
  • As promised here's my report-

    We viewed the total eclipse from there - nice park, on the Cumberland, well a lake off the main river, nice rv camping, water electricity (50 & 30), very nice wash rooms (air conditioned) -

    Would recommend if passing through.
  • Pine Barren wrote:
    Looks like a very nice place. The wife and I are starting to look into places for 2018 and this is on our list now as well. If you do go there let me know what you think of it

    well I signed up for 3 nights later this summer, I'll share my thoughts.
  • Looks like a very nice place. The wife and I are starting to look into places for 2018 and this is on our list now as well. If you do go there let me know what you think of it
  • linnemj wrote:
    Since no one replied to you I looked it up on RV Park .....

    I appreciate the help, hoping to see the total eclipse from there.
  • Since no one replied to you I looked it up on RV Park Reviews:

    Gallatin State Park

    We have never been there but the reviews are pretty positive. There are also several COE campgrounds in that general area that look nice.