I kind of hate to tell you this, but there are a lot of newer people that refer to any kind of dry camping as boondocking. As with so much else these days, the meaning of many words seems to be whatever whoever wants it to mean at that moment. (It seems this can change during the discussion - too.)
There is nothing new about this, there have always been folks who call Walmart camping: boondocking. And other who insist that boondocking means camping in the backcountry.
Frankly I'm happy to lets the Walmart group alone, there are way too many newbies flooding real boondocking spots. And many of them have no conception of boondocking behavior. They leave trash behind, camp too close to others and generally ruin the camping experience.
That is why you find people refusing to disclose their unpublished boondocking spots. Once it's on the internet that spot is ruined.
And thus people asking for a boondocking spot near some area get zero responses. I have adopted a policy of give one to get one, you tell me of a good spot and I will reciprocate, off line of course.