We agree -- that's the way "rowdy" and "maintenance" should be handled, always.
Some campgrounds do not, and then wonder why folks stop coming, or maybe only the rowdy folks camp there ... then the campground deteriorates, because rowdy usually brings his brothers 'messy' and 'sloppy' and 'break things' with him.
Successful CG's maintain good customer care and clean campgrounds --
I grew up in that area and altho' it's been years and years, we spent a lot, a lot, a lot of time at Cachuma and the Castaic areas -- Castaic was always a favorite. When we were kids (15-16 or so), we used to 'hitch-hike' up thru Castaic Junction, spend the day at the lake, and hitch-hike back ... a thing unheard of in this age ...