Without making partisan political comments and I am Canadian, not American, I am appalled at the disorganization I see in the country below us. We are inundated with US news, so most Canadians know as much as the average American as to what is happening and the politics behind it. The big difference that I see between the US response and that of Canada and Europe is that this is being handled largely on a federal level in both Canada & Europe. It seems to me that there is a real inconsistency in the type, and level, of response in the US by region and political division. There is far too much of the problem left up to individual states with no standard federal guidelines that everybody needs to follow. Since there is freedom of movement within the US, this makes little sense. We do have a similar problem in Canada where provinces also have the right to follow a lot of their own paths, but it seems to me there is much more agreement on a common strategy, rather than it being all over the map. In BC we have a left wing provincial government and in Ontario a right wing one. Neither seem to be pushing political stances, and are both following the science and medical advice when they make decisions. As a result we have about 1/10th the problem of the US on a per capital basis. The virus does not respect local boundaries or politics. The other mistake I see being made in the US, is the over-emphasis on the economy not the disease. While the economy is important, there is no economy if a good portion of the population is dead. Inaction over the cause is only going to extend and exacerbate the problem with the economy. I think the cartoon below makes the point.