Edd505 wrote:
The US Population is 330,000,000 and in 5 months the number of deaths was 130,000. The number of deaths from COVID as a percent of the population is 0.03939 %. Compared to the number of cancer cases diagnosed in 2019 (1,762.450...) and 607,000 deaths that percentage of death is 0.184%.
A very well orchestrated plan, or an unimaginable set of events that just fell into place ... with the United States front and center ?
Scare people with a virus, force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine. Count the number of dead every second of every day, in every News Headline. By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths of the people who get the virus, recover.
About one to two tenths of one percent who get the virus, die.
Most all of them have other medical problems.
Did you catch that ? Less than 1/2 of a percent die.
Closed businesses = 35,000,000+ instantly unemployed.
Remove entertainment and prohibit Recreation; Closing parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports. No dating. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them.
Close Temples and Churches, prohibit worship. Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness and desperation set in.
To some degree it is a societal or cultural difference. Roughly a thousand people are dying per day in the US. Hospitals are jammed full, ICU’s see a thousand people a day die without loved ones by their side, medical staff are completely exhausted and overworked. For you and society this is apparently ok and you are fine with it. There has been some discussion lately in professional circles as what would still be acceptable. 3000 a day, 5000??? Who knows. But I think it’s clear that different cultures have different tipping points before it’s not acceptable. More than any other event this pandemic has shown the differences between neighbouring cultures. In this case American and Canadian. Not knocking the American culture. It’s their country and their culture. Life is just a little more precious here. Glad we have borders.