Forum Discussion

td1837's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 16, 2024

Got small kids in RV?

Just completed winter trip to San Diego and Sedona Az and have some comments about Rv parks and kids. Why are there so many families now in Rv parks with little screaming kids running around? Dont parent know to teach kids to use their "indoor" voice outside? Rv parks are place of relaxation and quiet! Not day care centers! I see little girls screeching, screaming all over and have to tell them to stop all the time! If my dog was barking, Im sure security would be all over me. If you have little kids, get an apt as Rv parks are NOT conducive to raising kids as they are full of ex cons, perverts, kidnappers, and low life folks....just saying. 

  • What a grouch! Might I suggest an over 50 RV Resort. Or, close your windows and turn on the air conditioner. Maybe watch  Whoopy, she doesn't like anything either.

    Happy kids playing outside is on of the best sounds of summer. Often missing these days.

  • I like the sound of kids having a good time. That is exactly why we do things like camping. To enjoy ourselves. I don't however like the sound of a kid having a meltdown. That's one of the reasons I don't go to Walmart.

    • pbeverly's avatar

      I have several reasons NOT to go to WalMart. In a GOOD YEAR, I only go once!

  • As you can all see. This problem falls under the category of: "Dammed if you do. Dammed if you don't. " if you bring p the subject is the offender. A no win situation for any answer here. ☹️


  • As a former campground host in a forest service campground built by the CCC, I would suggest that the best time to camp if you are seeking quiet would be mid-week, when the folks with small kids are all at work and the campgrounds are mostly deserted. And if you want real peace and quiet, boon docking is your ticket. If there's nobody around, their kids won't be there either.

    For what it's worth, the only time I had trouble with screaming kids in the 5 years I did the hosting thing, a couple with 3 kids were completely unable to control the little hellions at 11 PM. Multiple requests to keep it down went unheeded until I had to threaten them with eviction from the park. "But we'd be just as noisy packing up . . . ." No, you don't get it; if I have to evict you, it means leave your stuff and get out, you can return to pick it up in the morning, and I'll get law enforcement to help you leave if it comes to that.

    Ah, but I digress. During the day, in a busy/crowded and popular recreation area, kids noises will abound. See above for the only way I know of to avoid that.

  • Guess you folks who comment thats its ok for kids to scream, screech, and yell all day long in crowded parks havent a clue about respect of others. Like I said, if my dog was barking all day, im sure folks would be upset! Take the kids to a park to yell, not a campground!

    • Gene1953's avatar
      Explorer III

      Find another hobby or go boondocking if you want wuiet

    • valhalla360's avatar

      You do realize a synonym for campground is an rv PARK, so they are doing exactly what you suggest. I'm begining to think, camping isn't your cup-o-tea because kids have been being kids since campgrounds first opened. 

    • way2roll's avatar
      Navigator II

      Why would everyone else have to go somewhere else to accommodate you? It's your perspective that's the problem. Most of us seem to be happy letting kids be kids. And comparing dog's behavior to kid's is weird.  I hope you find your peace you obviously need. Let it go man, be in the moment. Kid's behavior isn't malicious. Everyone is just trying to have their version of a good time. Obviously kids aren't your idea of peace and happiness. I suggest again, to go where you find it. You are responsible for your happiness, no one else is. 

  • its probably for the same reason there are more old grumpy people in the parks.  camping isn't for youer relaxation , yes some people are relaxed by being in nature but it is recreation..  let the kids run around and make noise and have fun, there is plenty worse they could be upto..  also if you are staying in parks that are as you put it " full of ex cons, perverts, kidnappers aand low life", which one are you?  and if none why are you staying there?   

  • I myself am glad to see kids out playing and having fun. They could be inside glued to the phone or video games. I been to parks where the "adults" are making more noise than the kids. 

    Get the recliner out grab a beverage and enjoy life. Be grateful for all you have that others do not.

  • I'm confused. Why would they teach them to use their "inside voice" when they are outside?

    If you are staying at one of the old folks parks (55+), then you have a point but at general purpose rv parks, it's expected that there will be kids...and they "will be kids". This is nothing new. Camping has always been an option for families with kids.

    Either stay at the old folks parks or chose your times and destinations for when kids will be in school.

  • RV parks are for everyone including kids and no this is not something new. Sure RV parks are for relaxing, but they are also for families having fun. I would suggest catering to over 55 parks if it bothers you or at a minimum lighten up, eat a snickers or take a nap - or all 3. Life is too short to be bothered with things like kids having fun.  "Indoor voice outside" - hilarious.  Try and find something to smile about and create your own peace. 


  • I am afraid it has always been like that. It's hard to say anything to them that they might accept.

    We usually went to parks during the summer where we expected to see fewer kids. There is less problem when kids are still in school. 😐



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