More info needed.
How close to downtown Grand Rapids do you want to be? No hookups, electric only, water and electric, full hookup, a swimming pool wanted, a basic type CG, a deluxe very fine CG, On the water or not important, good WIFI and/or cable, how much $$ is too much per day or week? 2 adults or also kids coming and in what age brackets and what's wanted for them. So much more info for a real sensible answer to your question.
There are 21 Campgrounds just in the approx formed shape triangle west of downtown Grand Rapids, to Holland, and to Muskegon alone. lots more south, north, and east of Grand Rapids within ~25 miles also. There's 12 CG's within the Grand Haven (on the lakeshore) to Allendale 15 mile area alone Middle area of the triangle mentioned). The CG's vary in amenities offered of course but all I can think of will have sites large enough for your 40 footer. You probably will be pulling a car behind also for commuting around daily.
The closer to Lake Michigan CG book up fast and some are booked full already.
The Grand Rapids metro area (MSA) is over 1 million population and is sprawling and the Grand Rapids Combined Statistic Area (CSA) is 1.5 million pop so not small.
A superb CC LB 4X4, GM HD Diesel, airbags, Rancho's, lots more
Lance Legend TC 11' 4", loaded including 3400 PP generator and my deluxe 2' X 7' rear porch
29 ft Carriage Carri-lite 5'er - a specially built gem
A like new '07 Sunline Solaris 26' TT