I keep getting advertisement s about great RV Escapes. Its advertises $10 per night or 1/2 price stays with full hook ups for any RV. Also you get a bunch of guide books. There is a one time fee of $39.99. This would be a good deal if it was legitimate. Has any one else got this offer or has used this ?
Big disclaimer on the park directory tab at their website that says that the parks listed "May or may not" be participants in the $10.00 camping. The only way to find out what parks are included is to pay your $40.00. It doesn't smell like a scam, it STINKS like a scam.
i just joined great rv escapes club .havent receved pacage yet but shuld be here mon or tue. was very conserned after reading coments like this .so i did some surching and found several rv parks that work with great rv escapes . and i verified this by the parks own web sight and by phone. so it is abvesly a ligit club.