Forum Discussion

GUNNERS_MOM's avatar
Mar 29, 2015

Great Smoky Mtns-Cataloochee

Would like to hear from any of you who may have pulled your rv into the Cataloochee Campground. Have heard it is a tough go. I have gone up the entrance road once by car several years ago, but can't remember a lot about it. We circled the campground and I do remember seeing some rvs. We have a 28 ft 5th wheel. Your thoughts?
  • I stand corrected on rv length, they max 32 ft mh and 25 ft trailer.
  • Gunners Mom, I was there this past Saturday. The camp was closed for the winter, not sure when it opens. It will be extremely tight for a 28 ft fifth and a dually truck. There are no turn arounds once you are on the dirt road, just barely enough room to pass on the curves in short base quad cab pick up. In my opinion, you will have your work cut out to get that vehicle in there. The sign at the campground said is was 10 miles to to i40, which is at the base of Cove Creek Rd.. At one area, the shoulder has slid off the mountain and the width has been cut to less than ten feet between the barriers and the bank in a curve.
    I have been living in this area for 50 years and believe that you should not attempt that endeavor. The best I can remember, the forest service say rv not over 19 to 20 ft.
    Good luck on your endeavor. Sky

    There was 40 to 50 elk in the fields past the ranger station at about 3 pm this past Saturday.
  • Thanks everyone. I am thinking we will go with the wheelhouse. I don't mind the tent at all but weather, specifically rain, bothers me a lot! the pic...Thanks
  • There are two routes in. Exit 20 off I-40 to Cove Creek Road is the only one I'd take a trailer on.

    We've camped there a dozen or so times, the past few years with a Scamp 19' and Tacoma. As mentioned by others, a 3-4 mile section of the road is dirt, winding and narrow. Oddly enough, it goes back to two lane paved once you get into the valley.

    Its fairly common to see trailers as large or larger than yours in the campground and at least one set of hosts has a good sized "A" but it really boils down to how comfortable you feel in situations like this. There are definitely no places to turn around from the time you hit dirt until you reach the valley.

    With or without the camper, give a couple of warning horn 'beeps' when approaching a blind curve.

    Cataloochee is a great campground with plentiful wildlife. We've never been without spotting several Elk
  • Never camped there, but we drove our toad there a few years ago. It was a narrow gravel road with blind hairpin curves. I remember thinking there was no way I'd want to take my MH there. However, there were several good sized campers in the CG. It depends on how determined you are.
  • Thanks. We are planning to get reservations, however, we are trying to decide if we chance the fifth wheel or resort to tenting. We have the option of either but I much prefer the fifth wheel. I have a friend who says she has heard of campers going off the edge of the narrow dirt road.
  • Never towed in there or driven it in anything as large as a dually. But as I recall you should be OK if you go slow and are careful. I would get an early start in, be prepared to stay there, it's not a fast in/out.

    Cataloochee REQUIRES reservations. They don't want people trying to do the trip in to find it full late in the day, and then having to drive out at night.