Dan and Len,
We're at ~1800 feet and about equidistant mileage from both "The Valley" and the Santa Cruz, so we get a three-way mix of the three weathers. We get less heat than the valley and more heat than sometimes foggy/breezy Santa Cruz, modulated by being at the higher altitude. We're usually above both the fog and the smog, sitting in the mid-80's on a lot of the summer days and the mid-40's on a lot of the winter days.
We get out in RV for the adventure in finding out what the rest of nature is doing. We can only take so much of the hawks, bobcats, quail, wild boar, and deer around home. Besides the DW doesn't care for any of the rocks around our place - she wants to go after the far more interesting ones out in the middle of nowhere. :R