Just got back yesterday. Took 5 days to travel from Gold Canyon, AZ to Cold Lake, Alberta.
Campgrounds in Montana where filled up by the end of the day. Luckily, I had made reservations or I would not have got in (Dillon, Montana). Also had reservations in Shelby, but decided to cross the border and stayed at Milk River, AB. By end of day, the campground was full.
No problem crossing the border at Sweetgrass/Coutts. About a 15 minute wait and the bonus was that they did not ask me how much I had in purchases so did not have to pay GST on the amount over my allowance. Saved me a bunch of money as I had overspent by a lot.
No problem getting fuel at Flying J/Pilot or Love's. No long lines. Used hand sanitizer and then washed hands after handling pump. Don't really think the virus could survive in a diesel environment.
Looking at the infection rate curve, I would advise everyone to head home ASAP and shelter in place. The US rate is on track with that of Italy a week ago so it is getting serious.
Stay safe and well everyone................