Wife and I just got back from 3 weeks on the road. From Tucson we spent time in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Sault Ste. Marie, and southern Michigan. We mingled with many folks in RV parks and sightseeing. We didn't meet very many people worried about Covid. We've made other trips in the past few months to escape our locked down home town. We're living our lives as we always have and refuse to drink the Kool-Aid of the sky is falling crowd. Covid, according to the CDC, is responsible for only 6% of the total US deaths by itself. The other 94% were mostly elderly people with other severe illnesses before catching Covid. The survival rate for people that do get it is over 99%. The media is doing it's best to keep us scared and I'm not buying it. If you're afraid of Covid then by all means stay home and free up camping spots for the rest of us.