GDS-3950BH wrote:
JaxDad wrote:
GDS-3950BH wrote:
The chance of you coming down with Covid19 and dying is lower than the chances of being killed in a vehicle accident on the way to an RV park.
Do you wear a seatbelt?
Yes, but a seat belt does not rule my life just the same as a virus is not going to.
In a ‘typical’ year some 38,000 people are killed in car crashes and another 3 million or so are injured.
This is NOT a typical year by any stretch of the imagination and it’s only 3/4 over. So far 214,000 people have died and 7.75 million people have been very sick.
That 5.6 times the number of dead ....... so far........ and 2.5 times the number of ‘injured’ .... so far .........
You are unfortunately, I believe, correct with your assessment of coming bread lines and soup kitchens, but it will be solely because the virus was encouraged to spread by reckless behaviour and attitudes.