rockhillmanor wrote:
NCWriter wrote:
EsoxLucius wrote:
What is it about permanent or semi-permanent residents in an RV park that bothers you people?
Some other examples come to mind, but bottom line, there's no zoning in these "towns" and you can find yourself staying in a neighborhood you would avoid as your residence.
Everyone is skirting around the whole issue of being politically correct when in actuality it is what it is. Lower income and convicted felons.
I tried a few of them in my travels that had permanent residents.
Because I full time I do stay in one CG for more than a few days often.
Which allows one to really see what there is not to like.
What I found out which was a real eye opener. Is that convicted felons are actually given funds to acquire a trailer and move into a CG. Their PO's actually come out to the CG on a regular basis.
Cost is lower than gov funding apartments, they can't get regular housing because many landlords do not allow felons, and they don't have to come up with exorbitant utilities deposits which they can't period. I.E. CG's are they place they end up at.
I stayed a month in that particular CG observing/talking to them. Most WERE felons of violent crimes, drug dealing and yes sex offenders.
Their trailers where old run down and their sites were poorly kept. They've been in jail most of their lives and don't know anything differnt. The balance were people on gov aid. The CG address DOES satisfy the gov to send them their checks and food stamp cards.
If you stay long enough as I did you will also see they continue to buy and sell drugs right out of the CG. Actually it makes it far easier for them to do so because there is police patrol presence in a CG like in the city. Again which is why they gravitate to the CG's.
I was not brought up in the drug laden slums of the city and choose not to RV to a place in the same conditions. Henceforth why "I" do not stay at CG's that have permanent residents after finding out what it really entails.
So those that want to throw the PC card around about the poor mis understood low income people? Stay a month or so at a CG that has a disproportionate amount of residents, watch what activities goes around you in close quarters and get back to us if you want to RV there with your family. Just saying.
There is another way to avoid places that you mention in your post, Not altogether but will help.
Lets say you have to hold up somewhere because your tow vehicle broke down or medical or something you didn't plan. You need to find a place but not familiar with area.
There are web sites that list crime rate by zip code. If it is higher than your or what you're comfortable with pick another place. Just Google up "crime rate by zip code".
Works mostly for picking in town overnight places. Some are in "war zone" and others not so much. Sometimes only a 10 min drive separates them.
And I don't think your being "politically correct" I think your saying what is factual.