Acampingwewillgo wrote:
The one time I tried staying in Jackson, the traffic was impossible. With that being said, we ended up at Gros Vente (sp)....and as I understand it now, if your lucky, you can reserve a water/elect site. Just a thought. Have Fun where ever you end up!
Stayed there also in 2019 before all the reservation only stuff hit. It was a spur of the moment trip detour. Pulled in around 3:00 PM and got a great site. It was mostly full by dinner time.
Not to far from most of the Teton stuff. We even drove up into Yellowstone and by pure luck got there about 30 mins before the big blow.
Jacksons a frickin zoo and not worth much more than a dinner or lunch.
On our 2nd nite in Gros Ventre we had moose come right through our site about 1:00 AM or so. I heard a nose and got up and from other light around I could see the moose walking right beside our TT. Absolutely amazing.
We were there the the week after Labor Day. A week or so later it snowed.