Been to:
1. Glacier, MT
2. Yellowstone, WY
3. Grand Canyon, AZ
4. Everglades, FL
5. Volcanoes, HI
6. Haleakala, HI
7. Theodore Roosevelt, ND
8. Badlands, SD
Going to in September 2014:
1. Canyonlands, UT
2. Arches, UT
3. Zion, UT
4. Bryce, UT
And I am adding Canadian National Parks:
1. Jasper, AB
2. Banff, AB
3. Elk Island, AB
4. Waterton, AB
5, Yoho, BC
6. Glacier, BC
7. Revlestoke, BC
8. Kootney, BC
9. Pacific Rim, BC
10. Grasslands, SK
11. Riding Mountain, MB
12. Gross Morne, NL
All the others I have not been to are on my bucket list.