If you are going to be in Middlebury, you really need to visit
Das Essenhaus (click here) and go to the restaurant for at least one meal. They serve "Family Style", individual, or buffet. It's all Amish prepared and you'll be so stuffed you won't be able to wiggle.
Then visit the shops, go to the top of the silo, take the carriage ride (we did a couple years ago... very romantic!.... really). You can spend a day at Das Essenhaus easy. (and it IS well worth it).
There are several State Parks in Northern Indiana, Chain-0-lakes, Ouabache(pronounced Wabash), and others too. A couple years ago we were at OuabacheState Park, and on the 4th of July the Fort Wayne Philharmonic Orchestra did a free concert at the amphitheater open-field area. Everyone brought lawn chairs, and folks came from quite a distance to experience this on the 4th of July. It was VERY patriotic! Our weiner dog was with us, and we still talk about it to this day how our doggie got "culturized" having experienced the Fort Wayne Philharmonic Orchestra. He's never been the same since! He's turned into Mr. snooty-tooty! Now that he's culturizee, he too "good" for common folk now! (so he thinks)!!!!
The Orchestra:

The top of the silo at Essenhaus:

The Restaurant at Essenhaus:

And you're not that far from the Elkhart County Fair Grounds (they have decent camping there too), and lots of activities always going on there.

There's so much more, these are just a drop in the bucket.
Here's a web site that I hit when doing a search, "Things to do in Middlebury, Indiana"...
Click here.Do some searching on the internet. Not knowing what your interests are, it's hard to recommend anything, but there is absolutely bunchs of stuff to do. Even a driving Highway 20 from Middlebury to South of Elkhart, you'll pass all kinds of RV manufacturing plants, all worth a stop for a photo, little shops, nick nack shops, and you'll see Amish homes everywhere, lost of Amish horse and buggies, and if you get off the main highway and take some back roads, you'll see a LOT more. Pretty much anywhere North of highway 6.

Good luck, and enjoy the trip!