Forum Discussion

Texas_Two_Stepp's avatar
Sep 24, 2015

Paliza Group/NE of San Ysidro, NM

I have noticed a note to the above area in my old sectional map of NM which I must have put there on someone's advice as to it being a great place to go. My note also shows that there are water and dump available. Anyone know anything about it as far as going there this time of year? I think there was a fire in this area several years ago? Cell service? We are heading to the balloon fiesta in Albuq and need a place to go for a couple of days.
  • I believe that campground is already closed for the winter...check with the Forestry Service to be sure....Dennis
  • Texas Two Steppers wrote: my old sectional map...

    As in an aviation "sectional chart"?
