Mar 26, 2017Explorer
When does Rocky Mountain National Park start peak season? I'd like to go before the big crowd invades. Thx in advance
4runnerguy wrote:Except when the elk are crossing the roads into town and blanketing the golf course. Then there are miles-long back-ups both to get into town from the Peak to Peak Highway and to get out of town on US 34 or 36 because everyone HAS to stop for photos going both directions!
Using Fall River entrance also means avoiding huge lines getting through Estes Park itself.
Thom02099 wrote:Using Fall River entrance also means avoiding huge lines getting through Estes Park itself.
The Beaver Meadows entrance to the park, by the Visitors Center, has a line at least a mile long at times. A tip -- use the Fall River entrance to the park, it's less crowded going that way. The town of Estes Park even has signs encouraging folks to do that.
Thom02099 wrote:
First hand experience here. The prime season runs pretty much from Memorial Day to Labor Day, but in the fall, September/October get a lot of action due to the elk rutting.
Last year, Trail Ridge Road was open for the season the weekend after Memorial Day. Open during the day, closed at night due to refreezing of melt off. Snow walls there were 20 feet high in places. It's always a freaky drive through those snow canyons. Closure for the season was around November 18th last year, which was several weeks later than usual, which is the weekend prior to Halloween.
Rocky had over 5.4 million visitors last year. If you're there during the week, and early in the season, the crowds are not quite so bad. On weekends, there will be delays getting in to the park, starting with the first weekend of Trail Ridge opening.
Last season, the several times I was up there, on the weekends, it was bumper to bumper traffic to get IN to the park. And on one occasion it was a nightmare getting out of the park. At dusk, coming out, the back up was around 45 minutes to get OUT of the park, due to looky loos stopping IN THE ROADWAY to take pictures of the elk near town.
The Beaver Meadows entrance to the park, by the Visitors Center, has a line at least a mile long at times. A tip -- use the Fall River entrance to the park, it's less crowded going that way. The town of Estes Park even has signs encouraging folks to do that. Also, if you're going to popular destinations such as Bear Lake, use the shuttles that run extensively between Bear Lake and various points in and around town.
Ernie Fergler wrote:
When does Rocky Mountain National Park start peak season? I'd like to go before the big crowd invades. Thx in advance