WNYBob wrote:
There is a KOA in Watkins Glen as well as the SP. But the SP CG was built long ago and you might have issues finding a good site. NY SP's are electric only in most cases.
I'm not sure what exactly different people mean by a "good site," probably many different things, but in my experience there were plenty of large sites at the Watkins Glen state park...and, of course, a bunch that are not so large. The ReserveAmerica site only lists availability to 30 feet, I believe, but many of those will accommodate much larger rigs in practice, and the access roads aren't too constrained. Most are back-in (or, I suppose, back-out) sites.
campadk.com has information and photos of a tremendous number of New York state park campsites and is a great resource for checking out specific sites.
Here's the listing there for Watkin's Glen. I stayed at site 292 a couple years ago and it extends back something like 60 feet from the access road.
Edit: correct link descriptive text to match site name...boo for typos