We have lived in MB for the past 13 years. Some winters we never get below 40' at night. Several times, there were short periods of time when the night temps even went into the 20' range. Twice since we have been here there has been snow, but never over 4" and it was gone in about 12 hours. I do not own a winter coat, and rarely even wear gloves. We are originally from NJ so perhaps the what some down here call 'cold weather' just isn't that to us. MB is not known to be exceptionally windy, but any time you are on the ocean front you will certainly notice any wind more than elsewhere. You will need heat of some sort at night, of course, although we have taken down our Christmas decorations outside in shirts, shorts and sandals more than twice over the years! Yes, golf is played down her in Jan and Feb often No, it's not Florida or Arizona weather, but so many come as 'snowbirds' that it must be said many enjoy it!