TaterSR, sorry to hear all of your troubles. Honestly, I don't think you're alone in your feelings. I always tell everyone that snowbirding is not all "rainbows and sunshine."
I think the big trick to being a mobile RV snowbird is to STAY MOBILE. It takes awhile to figure this stuff out. I know one couple that raced down south, then sat in a park for five months (to get a cheaper rate), hated it, and has never snowbird again. They had a very limited take on the lifestyle, but drew a major conclusion.
Staying mobile, not rushing down and back, and not staying any longer then a month in any one place (unless you really want too) will give you a much larger view of the parks out there, the states, the people, and the lifestyle.
We were lucky, we had a very good first year out. If it wasn't for that I'm sure we would have gave up long ago.